Thursday, November 15, 2007

Wacky Wikis!

There's something freeing about this whole Web 2.0. I've enjoyed reading in the informal kind of way people express themselves online, which is a break from my normal reading fare of professional literature, newspapers, non fiction and academic texts. I still like reading print of course, for its writing style and intellectual rigor. I would never ask anyone to choose one over the other though, because for me, they are complementary, and to disdain one over the other is just not being circumspect.

I find that in reviewing the recommended wikis there is really so much available. From ideas about how to do special needs library services and all other things library(see Library Success Best Practices Wiki) to working readers advisory in a whole new interactive way. I like the idea behind the Library Success Wiki, and I hope more library people find out about it and contribute to it.

On Meredith Farkas' wiki, I learned that PowerPoint is not the only way to make a visual presentation! Just the other day, I saw a book on CSS and wondered what its application is. Well, she says that her tutorial was made using HTML and CSS. So I am looking into doing my next presentation (next week!) using this format--gotta get busy, right?

I learned the term "wiki farm," which is a server or array of servers which host a wiki--and there are about 3 dozen of these different wiki farms available. And of course, the PLCMC wiki stated (with no authority cited...) that there are more errors found in the Encyclopedia Britannica than on Wikipedia, a fact I have heard before but wonder about...
That's all the 2.0 learning for now. Enjoy a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday!

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